

The three main types of diabetes are type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes (diabetes only occurring in pregnancy). Patients with newly diagnosed diabetes require a history and physical examination to assess the characteristics of onset of diabetes, nutrition and weight history, physical activity, cardiovascular risk factors, history of diabetes-related complications (hypoglycemic episodes, diabetic ketoacidosis) and current management.

Our management approach is consistent with guidelines from the American Diabetes Association and follows the steps below.

To learn more about diabetes, please go to our Education section.

Step 1


Step 2

Glycaemic Control

Step 3

Reducing Risk

Our Treatment Strategic Focus

Lifestyle changes

Regular Consultations

Our consultations are an incredibly effective tool to identify, enact and sustain improvements in your life.

Website Education

Our website is an incredibly effective tool to identify, enact and sustain improvements in your life.

Contact us!

It’s time to take care of your health now! Contact us by filling in the form below.